各位親愛的家長及同學: |
Dear parents and students, |
十二月一日(五) 是屯門區教師專業發展日,所以同學們可以放假休息,而老師們則參加了一個關於身心靈健康的專業發展講座。這個活動讓老師們能夠放鬆自己並學習新知識。
On Friday, 1st December, it is the Teacher Professional Development Day in the Tuen Mun District, students can have a day off while teachers participate in a professional development seminar about mental and physical well-being. This activity allows teachers to relax and learn new knowledge.
十二月二日(六) 為上學期家長日,家長們來到學校了解子女的學習成績和在校生活,同時我們也舉辦了一個書展,鼓勵學生多閱讀。這個活動也給了家長和學生一段親子時間。
On Saturday, 2nd December, we have the Parent-Teacher Day for the first semester. Parents come to the school to understand their children's academic performance and school life. At the same time, we also organize a book fair to encourage students to read more. This event provides parents and students with quality parent-child time.
十二月五日(二) 我們安排了六年級學生拍攝畢業照。當他們穿上畢業袍的時候,我們能夠看到他們的成熟和依依不捨之情。班主任和老師們也抓住這個機會與學生們拍照留念。 |
On Tuesday, 5th December, we have arranged for the sixth-grade students to take graduation photos. When they put on their graduation gowns, we can see their maturity and the bittersweet emotions. Their class teachers and other teachers take this opportunity to take photos with the students as keepsakes.
On Friday, 8th December our school arranged that day was the National Education Day. Students from Primary 1 to 4, as well as some Primary 5 and 6 students, participate in various seminars at school and visits around Hong Kong to deepen their understanding of the country and enhance their sense of national belonging. In addition, around 80 Primary 5 and 6 students, along with 8 teachers and me on a two-day-one-night trip to Guangzhou and Zhuhai to explore the history, culture, and technology. This is a meaningful activity, and I hope that students can gain a better understanding of the country's development.
十二月十二日(二) 我前往深圳參加了2023至2024粵港澳姊妹學校簽約儀式。當天有超過150所中小學參加,並有各種表演和分享。我有幸認識了深圳市南山中英文學校的柳副校長,希望我們能夠增加交流。另外,我也遇到了姊妹學校圭峰小學的周校長,我們計劃在2024年五月尾到新會這邊進行交流,具體內容稍後公佈。
On Tuesday, 12th December, I went to Shenzhen to attend the signing ceremony for the 2023 – 2024 Sister Schools Program in Greater Bay Area. More than 150 primary and secondary schools participated, and there were various performances and sharing sessions. I had the privilege of meeting Vice Principal Liu from Nanshan Chinese International College in Shenzhen, and I hope we can increase our exchanges. Additionally, I also met Principal Zhou from Guifeng Primary School, and we plan to have an exchange visit in the end of May 2024 in Xin Hui. The specific details will be announced later.
十二月十五日(五) 是聯校陸運會,當天天氣非常炎熱,超過30度。這份熱情代表了LTY同學、老師和家長的熱誠,大家都全力以赴與屬校黃耀南小學競爭,比賽非常激烈。同時,屬校朱瑞蘭幼稚園也舉辦了不同的親子活動,為比賽增添了一絲輕鬆的氛圍。下午舉行了頒獎禮,LTY學生在各項比賽中表現出色,再一次取得全場男女子冠軍及全場總冠軍,令大家士氣十分高昂。 |
On Friday, 15th December, we have the Inter-school Athletics Meet. The weather was extremely hot, over 30 degrees Celsius. This enthusiasm represents the dedication of LTY students, teachers, and parents. Everyone gave their best in competing with our affiliated school, Wong Yiu Nam Primary School. The competition was intense. At the same time, our affiliated school, Chu Yui Lan (Anglo-Chinese) Kindergarten, also organized various parent-child activities, adding a relaxed atmosphere to the event. An award ceremony was held in the afternoon, and LTY students performed remarkably well in all events, winning the overall championship for both boys and girls, as well as the overall championship. The morale was extremely high.
十二月十六日(六) LTY借出場地,舉行機械人挑戰賽暨澳洲資格賽。當日十分熱鬧,有差不多150位學生參加,加上工作人員、老師、家長、也有200多人次。當天的主禮嘉賓是本校辦學團體張鴻釗主席,另外也有中聯辦代表陳律師及其他代表。完成後,主辦單位讚賞學校場地整潔、寬敞、員工有禮又主動協助。我們的同學日後也會安排參加這類型的比賽。
On Saturday, 16th December, LTY lent out our venue to hold the Robotics Challenge and Australian Qualifier. It was a lively day with nearly 150 students participating, along with staff, teachers, and parents, totaling over 200 people. The guest of honor that day was Mr. Cheung Hung Chiu, Stewart, Chairman of our school's sponsoring body. There were also representatives from the Liaison Office and other distinguished guests. After the event, the organizers praised our school for having a clean and spacious campus, and our staff members were polite and proactive in assisting. Our students will continue to participate in similar competitions in the future.
十二月十九日(二) 舉行了聖誕聯歡會,名為Crackin’ Christmas,當天仁愛堂葉德海幼稚園校長、老師、家長、學生差不多180人到校參與攤位活動,欣賞表演、抽獎等,大家十分高興。雖然天氣有點冷,但無阻大家的興致。活動加入不同的學習元素,令學生寓學習於娛樂中。衷心多謝家教會主席蘇先生,他不單勞心勞力為學校、為家長、為學生推動家校活動,今次更粉墨登場變身為聖誕老人,為大家帶來驚喜,學校很多家長也是如此用心為學校,真是LTY的福氣,多謝各位家長。
On Tuesday, 19th December, we had the Christmas Celebration called "Crackin' Christmas." The principal, teachers, parents, and students from Yan Tak Hoi Kindergarten, approximately 180 people, came to the school to participate in booth activities, enjoy performances, and participate in lucky draws. Everyone was very happy. Although the weather was a bit cold, it didn't dampen anyone's enthusiasm. The event incorporated various learning elements, allowing students to learn while having fun. I sincerely thank Mr. So, the chairman of the Parent-Teacher Association, for his dedicated efforts in organizing school and parent activities, and for going the extra mile by dressing up as Santa Claus this time to bring us surprises. Many parents in the school also put in such effort for the school, which is truly a blessing for LTY. Thank you to all the parents.
From 20th December 2023 to 2nd January 2024, we will begin the Christmas and New Year holiday. I wish everyone good health and a joyful holiday. See you in 2024!
Chan Chun Wah, Fred
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